Tree Pruning

Tree pruning is recommended by arborists to keep your trees healthy. Trees that are pruned are more structurally stable. The weight reduction gives the tree a higher chance to promote growth. Not only will you be getting more sunlight on your property, but your tree will be able to use the sun to promote its new growth. Our reasons for pruning are to eliminate deadwood, hazardous material and to provide building/ hydro clearance, sunlight, airflow, weight reduction, limb retrenchment, vista view, form and structure.

Tree Removal

Removal of a tree may be necessary for different reasons.  Your tree may be structurally unstable or be creating natural hazards on your property. If that is the decision, with cutting edge industry standards and techniques, we can make your property safe and in addition, we will maintain your property’s original feel.

Stump Grinding

Stump grinding is necessary to remove a stump, which is generally cut down about an inch above grade. We are able to eliminate the stump by using an industrial stump grinder. The grinder will penetrate the stump with sharp metal teeth on a wheel. It will take the stump out and dig down about 20 inches below grade. Now, you can grow your grass or replace the stump with a garden.

Cable and Bracing

Cable and bracing can be necessary to keep a tree working as one unit. It can add strength and support to major limbs in a tree. A dynamic cable can be installed to the tree with a

non- abrasive technique allowing the tree to continue to grow while providing support for up to eight tons.

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